Source code for pylissom.nn.modules.lissom

from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
from torch.nn import Linear, Sequential, Module

from pylissom.math import normalize
from pylissom.nn.functional.functions import check_compatible_mul, check_compatible_add
from pylissom.nn.functional.weights import apply_circular_mask_to_weights, get_gaussian_weights
from pylissom.nn.modules.linear import GaussianCloudLinear, PiecewiseSigmoid

[docs]class Cortex(GaussianCloudLinear): """Applies a linear transformation to the incoming data: :math:`y = Ax + b` where A is a Gaussian Cloud with a connective radius This module is primarily used to build a :py:class`ReducedLissom` Parameters: - **radius** - - **sigma** - """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, radius, sigma=1.0): super(Cortex, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, sigma=sigma) self.radius = radius = normalize( apply_circular_mask_to_weights(, radius=radius)) def __repr__(self): super_repr = super(Cortex, self).__repr__()[:-1] return super_repr \ + ', ' + 'radius=' + str(self.radius) \ + ')'
# # TODO: test # class AfferentNormCortex(Sequential): # def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, radius, aff_norm_strength, sigma=1.0, # cortex_cls=Cortex, aff_norm_cls=AfferentNorm): # self.sigma = sigma # self.aff_norm_strength = aff_norm_strength # self.radius = radius # self.out_features = out_features # self.in_features = in_features # layers = OrderedDict( # {'cortex': cortex_cls(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, radius=radius, sigma=sigma), # 'aff_norm': aff_norm_cls(aff_norm_strength=aff_norm_strength, radius=radius)}) # super(AfferentNormCortex, self).__init__(layers)
[docs]class DifferenceOfGaussiansLinear(Linear): r"""Applies a linear transformation to the incoming data: :math:`y = Ax + b`, where A is a Difference of Gaussians with a connective radius: .. math:: \begin{equation*} \text{out}_ab = \sigma(\phi_L \sum_(xy) \text{input}_xy L_xy,ab) \end{equation*} Parameters: - **on** - Defines if the substraction goes sorround gaussian - center gaussian or the other way around - **radius** - - **sigma_surround** - - **sigma_center** - """ # ASSUMES SQUARE MAPS # Order of diff(normalize(mask(gaussian)))) is important def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, on, radius, sigma_surround, sigma_center=1.0): super(DifferenceOfGaussiansLinear, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, bias=False) self.on = on self.sigma_surround = sigma_surround self.sigma_center = sigma_center self.radius = radius sigma_center_weights_matrix = normalize( apply_circular_mask_to_weights(get_gaussian_weights(in_features, out_features, sigma_center), radius=radius)) sigma_surround_weights_matrix = normalize( apply_circular_mask_to_weights(get_gaussian_weights(in_features, out_features, sigma_surround), radius=radius)) if on: diff = sigma_center_weights_matrix - sigma_surround_weights_matrix else: diff = sigma_surround_weights_matrix - sigma_center_weights_matrix self.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(diff) def __repr__(self): super_repr = super(DifferenceOfGaussiansLinear, self).__repr__()[:-1] return super_repr \ + ', ' + 'sigma_surround=' + str(self.sigma_surround) \ + ', ' + 'sigma_center=' + str(self.sigma_center) \ + ', ' + 'radius=' + str(self.radius) \ + ', ' + 'on=' + str(self.on) \ + ')'
[docs]class Mul(Module): r"""Represents a layer than only multiplies the input by a constant, used in :py:class:`pylissom.nn.modules.LGN`""" def __init__(self, number): super(Mul, self).__init__() self.number = number
[docs] def forward(self, input): return input * self.number
def __repr__(self): return '*' + str(self.number)
[docs]class LGN(Sequential): r"""Represents an LGN channel, can be ON or OFF The transformation applied can be described as: .. math:: \begin{equation*} \text{out}_ab = \sigma(\phi_L \sum_(xy) \text{input}_xy L_xy,ab) \end{equation*} where :math:`\sigma` is the piecewise sigmoid, :math:`N` is foo It inherits from :py:class:`Sequential` because an LGN is in essence a composition of several transformations * :attr:`afferent_module` Parameters: - **on** - - **radius** - - **sigma_surround** - - **sigma_center** - - **strength** - - **min_theta** - - **max_theta** - """ def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, on, radius, sigma_surround, sigma_center=1.0, min_theta=0.0, max_theta=1.0, strength=1.0, diff_of_gauss_cls=DifferenceOfGaussiansLinear, pw_sigmoid_cls=PiecewiseSigmoid): self.max_theta = max_theta self.min_theta = min_theta self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features layers = OrderedDict({ 'diff_of_gaussians': diff_of_gauss_cls(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, on=on, radius=radius, sigma_center=sigma_center, sigma_surround=sigma_surround), 'strength': Mul(strength), 'piecewise_sigmoid': pw_sigmoid_cls(min_theta=min_theta, max_theta=max_theta)}) super(LGN, self).__init__(layers)
[docs]class ReducedLissom(Module): r"""Represents a Reduced Lissom consisting of afferent, excitatory and inhibitory modules The transformation applied can be described as: .. math:: \begin{equation*} n_ij = \sigma(s_ij + \phi_E \sum_(kl) n_kl (t-1) E_kl,ij - \phi_I \sum_(kl) n_kl (t-1) E_kl,ij I_lk,ij) \end{equation*} where :math:`\sigma` is the piecewise sigmoid, :math:`N` is foo * :attr:`afferent_module` Parameters: - **afferent_module** - - **excitatory_module** - - **inhibitory_module** - - **afferent_strength** - - **excitatory_strength** - - **inhibitory_strength** - - **min_theta** - - **max_theta** - - **settling_steps** - """ def __init__(self, afferent_module, excitatory_module, inhibitory_module, min_theta=1.0, max_theta=1.0, settling_steps=10, afferent_strength=1.0, excitatory_strength=1.0, inhibitory_strength=1.0, pw_sigmoid_cls=PiecewiseSigmoid): super(ReducedLissom, self).__init__() check_compatible_mul(afferent_module, inhibitory_module) check_compatible_mul(afferent_module, excitatory_module) self.in_features = afferent_module.in_features self.out_features = afferent_module.out_features self.inhibitory_module = inhibitory_module self.excitatory_module = excitatory_module self.afferent_module = afferent_module self.max_theta = max_theta self.min_theta = min_theta self.settling_steps = settling_steps self.inhibitory_strength = inhibitory_strength self.excitatory_strength = excitatory_strength self.afferent_strength = afferent_strength self.piecewise_sigmoid = pw_sigmoid_cls(min_theta=min_theta, max_theta=max_theta)
[docs] def forward(self, cortex_input): afferent_activation = self.afferent_strength * self.afferent_module(cortex_input) # This is t=0 current_activation = self.piecewise_sigmoid(afferent_activation) # These are the settling steps, from t=1 (or range=0 to self.settlings_setps) for _ in range(self.settling_steps): excitatory_activation = self.excitatory_strength * self.excitatory_module(current_activation) inhibitory_activation = self.inhibitory_strength * self.inhibitory_module(current_activation) sum_activations = afferent_activation + excitatory_activation - inhibitory_activation current_activation = self.piecewise_sigmoid(sum_activations) return current_activation
def __repr__(self): super_repr = super(ReducedLissom, self).__repr__()[:-1] return super_repr \ + ', ' + str(self.in_features) + ' -> ' + str(self.out_features) \ + ', ' + 'settling_steps=' + str(self.settling_steps) \ + ', ' + 'afferent_strength=' + str(self.afferent_strength) \ + ', ' + 'excitatory_strength=' + str(self.excitatory_strength) \ + ', ' + 'inhibitory_strength=' + str(self.inhibitory_strength) \ + ')'
[docs]class Lissom(Module): r"""Represents a Full Lissom, with ON/OFF channels and a V1 ( :py:class:`ReducedLissom` ) The transformation applied can be described as: .. math:: \begin{equation*} \text{out} = \text{v1}(\text{on}(input) + \text{off}(input)) \end{equation*} Parameters: - **on** - an ON :py:class:`LGN` map - **off** - an OFF :py:class:`LGN` map - **v1** - a :py:class:`ReducedLissom` map Shape: - TODO """ def __init__(self, on, off, v1): super(Lissom, self).__init__() check_compatible_add(on, off) check_compatible_mul(on, v1) self.v1 = v1 = off self.on = on self.in_features = on.in_features self.out_features = v1.out_features
[docs] def forward(self, input): on_output = self.on(input) off_output = lgn_activation = on_output + off_output activation = self.v1(lgn_activation) return activation
def __repr__(self): super_repr = super(Lissom, self).__repr__()[:-1] return super_repr \ + ', ' + str(self.in_features) + ' -> ' + str(self.out_features) \ + ')'